Able to roam the house again
Our 6 year old pug, Hudson, was diagnosed with pug myelopathy almost 2 years ago. He was incontinent of stool occasionally until he developed sudden disease progression 2 months ago where he lost complete control of both his bladder and bowels. We tried disposable diapers from the pet store, ordered reusable diapers from Amazon, and even tried suspenders but his unique body shape made every product we tried fall off. Our poor boy was limited in the house to a play pen lined with pee pads and he soon became quite depressed with not being able to be the Velcro dog he is. We searched the internet and stumbled upon BARKERTIME overalls. The way the Velcro fasteners can be adjusted to fit his unique shape has been life changing. Our boy now wears his pants and is able to roam the house again, right by our side, without fear of leaks or slipping out of his pants. His spirit has come back thanks to these pants! We look forward to ordering more!
Dillon & Julia (Lincoln, NE)